So... my blog is back, and things are very different. I had been using some blog software called Poster. I liked it. It was dead simple and mostly did what I wanted. However, I had some spam problems. I hated it. It was annoying and mostly made me hate bloging. Poster had a built-in captcha, but I could never get it to work on the fdo server. It seem to require the mcrypt package for PHP, but even after installing that (and some following PHP fail), it didn't work.

At keithp's urging, I have decided to join the cool kids and use ikiwiki. To be honest, the jury is still out on the ikiwiki transition. It works, and it has a giant pile of features, but it has a somewhat steeper learning curve. I'll figure it will just take more than 20 minutes.

One thing that I do like about ikiwiki is that I can use a regular text editor and spell checker to write blog posting. Death to browser based editors! Death to "you were idle for 20 minutes while writing that post, please log back in while I lose everything you wrote"!

I have moved over all of my postings, with correct dates, from my old blog. The comments have, sadly, been lost. Not counting the spam, there were only about 10 comments total, so it's not a significant loss.