That was the last frickin' straw! On my way home, two blocks from my house, I broke another spoke. That's four. The bike I have is large. How big is it? It's big enough that when I hang it on the bike rack on the MAX it touches the ground. I find it hard to believe that a company would sell a big that big that can't take the weight of a 6' man. EPIC FAIL.

So... I'm in the market for a new (to me, anyway) bike, and I'm looking for recommendations. Since I have to ride to school (~14 mile round-trip) twice a week, I need to get something soon. I'm a little bit past "casual commuter", but I'm nowhere near those psychos with the clip-shoes and no brakes.

I need something that can carry me and rack full of books and a laptop. The current bike is an 18 speed, but I never use the lowest gear on the front or back. Seriously... if I need those, I may as well get off and walk!


It's what I roll yo
Comment by Jesse Millan Sat 09 Jan 2010 10:03:28 AM PST
RE: It's what I roll yo
Heh... I'm not sure how well that would work on the MAX either. :)
Comment by IanRomanick Sat 09 Jan 2010 03:19:34 PM PST